Navigating on open waters can be a thrilling yet challenging experience, even for seasoned sailors. One essential tool that aids safe navigation is your choice of nautical chart. These charts are filled with a plethora of symbols and markings that convey vital information to mariners. In this short but comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of nautical chart symbols explained to help[…]Read More
Author: Staff Writer

New Scilly Isles Pilot from Imray
The new 7th edition of Imray’s comprehensive guide to sailing the Isles of Scilly has been thoroughly updated and completely rewritten by RYA Offshore Yachtmaster David Hackett. Due for publication in September, pre-order your copy here. Scilly Isles Pilot by David Hackett The Isles of Scilly by David Hackett, now in its fully updated 7th edition, is the essential guide for sailors navigating the beautiful yet[…]Read More

English Channel Passage Planning
Imray have reschemed two of their most popular charts so that they provide seamless coverage of the English Channel at the same scale (1:375,000). The rescheming of Imray Chart C10 Western English Channel Passage Chart, and C12 Eastern English Channel Passage Chart now makes passage planning across the whole channel area – from Isles of Scilly to the Dover Straits – a straightforward task.[…]Read More
Essential Tips for Atlantic Passage Planning
Passage planning is a critical component of any Atlantic crossing. Whether you’re an experienced sailor or preparing for your first long-distance journey, meticulous passage planning ensures a safer, more efficient, and enjoyable experience. In this guide, we’ll cover the essential tips for passage planning when crossing the Atlantic, helping you navigate with confidence. 1. Choose the Best Time for Your Passage When it comes to Atlantic passage planning,[…]Read More

New Edition: Imray Chart 100 North Atlantic Ocean Passage Chart
Imray Chart 100 is an important companion for Atlantic yachtsmen on passage and an excellent source of planning information. This new edition covers the North Atlantic from Brazil to Newfoundland and Gibraltar to the Caribbean and has been constructed on a conical projection that means that Great Circle tracks can be plotted as straight lines rather than curves. For this edition the magnetic variation[…]Read More
Your Ultimate Guide to Planning Coastal Trips with Imray Charts
Are you looking to embark on a coastal adventure? Planning coastal trips with Imray charts can be the key to a successful and enjoyable journey. In this ultimate guide, we will explore how you can make the most of your sailing experience using these reliable charts. Planning coastal trips with Imray charts is essential for any sailor who wants to navigate the waters with[…]Read More

Part Number: NAC0291ISBN: 9781399405836Authors: Alison Noice & Roger SeymourPublisher: Adlard ColesRetail Price: £25.00 Now in its sixth edition, Yachtmaster for Sail and Power is an essential companion for anyone enrolling on the RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore course. This highly respected and refreshingly practical study guide covers the whole syllabus in detail, illustrated with colour photographs, charts and worked examples throughout.